Chronic Pain - Horizon Chiropractic Center

Chronic Pain

So often, we look at pain and other symptoms as bad. If you look at it a little differently all pain is just a signal that something is wrong.

Think of pain as the check engine light in your car. When it turns on, you get it checked. The mechanic likely fixes something in the engine. He doesn’t even touch the light that turned on. But by finding the problem in the engine and fixing it, the light turns off, and you have peace of mind knowing that nothing is wrong with your car.

Our body works exactly the same. When we experience pain, it’s a signal that something is wrong in our body. By checking the nervous system that controls the pain centers throughout our body, finding the problem, and fixing it, not only will you get out of pain, you will function and live better than you ever thought possible.

A life limited by pain can be slow and miserable. The pain, aching, stiffness, and swelling at our joints can make even the simplest tasks more difficult.

It’s estimated that 23% of adults suffer from chronic joint pain due to a form of arthritis. Chronic joint pain due to arthritis is the leading cause of work-related disability in the United States.

In some cases, chronic pain is accompanied by other health problems (such as diabetes, heart disease, and obesity), making treatment more difficult.

Most treatment options focus on managing pain caused by arthritis, but they do little to prevent it from getting worse. And the medications or injections used to manage the pain have side effects that often get worse and more severe with long-term use.

At Horizon Chiropractic Center, we have helped hundreds of patients not only reduce their pain levels with natural treatment alternatives, but we’ve also been able to help slow or stop the progression of arthritis that is contributing to their pain. We do this by providing specific upper cervical chiropractic care and bringing the body back into structural balance.

Through nervous system testing, we can identify dysfunction. By taking specific digital x-rays of the upper neck, we are able to locate and find misalignments in the spine. And by performing precise upper cervical adjustments, we can alter the structure of the spine and restore normal and optimal nervous system function.

If you are suffering from chronic pain, come and see us for a complimentary consultation and let us help you.

We will hold your hand every step of the way.