Numbness and Tingling - Horizon Chiropractic Center

Numbness and Tingling

If you’re like most people, you’ve done something at some time in your life that has caused pain to radiate down your arm. It may appear in the form of numbness, burning, or tingling in your fingers.

Ever smacked your “funny bone”? There is a nerve that travels around your elbow that is responsible for hand and arm movements. When hit, that nerve is compressed, causing the pain that occurs when you hit your elbow.

Every nerve from our head to our toe begins at the top of the neck at the brain stem. This tiny area of anatomy is responsible for controlling just about everything that goes on in our body.

When someone experiences chronic or recurring pain down their arms (or legs for that matter), chances are there is actually a problem in their brainstem. In our office, we check this area of the spine exclusively and help those with chronic pain get resolution by improving brain stem function.

Horizon Chiropractic Center, focuses on helping individuals with numbness, tingling, and other neurological symptoms.

Numbness, tingling, and weakness are all indicators that the nervous system is not functioning properly in a particular area. Whether it be the face, hands, feet, legs, or arms, when severe enough it can leave a person dysfunctional, hopeless, and in severe pain.

Surgery and other highly invasive procedures should be a last resort used when other lesser invasive procedures have been exhausted.

This is where we come in. As a provider of upper cervical chiropractic care we are able to help people find resolution to their numbness and tingling.

By locating these areas of nervous system interference, and keeping them removed over a long enough period of time, we can ensure the tingling, numbness, and weakness goes away and stays away. We also can make sure the muscle, organ, or tissue the nerve goes to will not become an issue down the road.

At Horizon Chiropractic Center we have been able to help hundreds of patients with numbness and tingling find relief through upper cervical chiropractic care. Contact us today for a complimentary consultation and let’s get started!