Neurodevelopmental & Behavioral Disorders - Horizon Chiropractic Center

Neurodevelopmental Disorders

The number of conditions that could fall under this category is growing larger and larger by the day.

  • Autism
  • ADHD
  • Obsessive compulsive disorder
  • Tourette’s syndrome
  • Oppositional defiance
  • Generalized anxiety disorder
  • And Asperger’s

…just to name a few.

We work with kids and adults in Phoenix and throughout the state of Arizona with neurodevelopmental disorders every day.

You might be wondering, “How can a chiropractor help people with neurodevelopmental disorders?”

That’s a fantastic question.

The brain and nervous system are key in managing neurodevelopmental disorders. Think of the nervous system as a giant sponge. It soaks up information from our external and internal environment and is designed to act accordingly.

Our nervous system processes 11 trillion pieces of information per second. Wow! Luckily, we aren’t conscious of all that information coming at us at once. Each of us was created with internal filters that help us process information accordingly.

But what happens if these filters and processes aren’t working as they should? It makes sense why some individuals might have focus problems, get anxious, defiant, or easily distracted. Those internal filters, all within the nervous system, may not be functioning optimally.

That’s what we find through comprehensive nervous system testing with a lot of people who come into our office with neurodevelopmental disorders.

As an experienced provider of upper cervical chiropractic care, our goal is to find the root cause of these challenges and focus on much more than the symptoms being experienced.

By testing the function of the nervous system and helping it improve, individuals can notice a tremendous improvement in their quality of life.

As the body heals, the information traveling through the nervous system is better able to be filtered and processed the way it was intended to be – without restriction.

In our office, we don’t focus on the label or the specific diagnosis. Instead, we focus on the health and function of the nervous system and what we can do to improve it.

Rather than treating the symptom, we monitor the function of the nervous system so the body can function at its best.

As the nervous system heals and improves, the body is able to do incredible things:

  • Increased metabolism
  • Improved speech and vocabulary
  • Better balance and coordination
  • Enhanced mood stability
  • and better sleep
NDD ebook

If you're interested in learning more about how
upper cervical chiropractic care can help
Neurodevelopmental Disorders.