Shoulder Pain - Horizon Chiropractic Center

Shoulder Pain

Did you know the pain in your shoulder is frequently caused by a pain in your neck? It’s true.

Our neck is composed of seven cervical vertebrae that protect our spinal cord and various nerve roots. Each nerve root travels to a particular part of our body and performs a specific function.

Sometimes one of these nerves can become pinched and cause a condition known as cervical radiculopathy. This occurs when the neck is compressed or irritated and can cause pain that radiates into the shoulder. It can also cause muscle weakness and numbness that may travel down into the arms and hands.

The focus at Horizon Chiropractic Center is to re-empower the nervous system so that you can heal properly. It is truly a “miracle” system when done to its fullest potential.

But it is not enough to create full health on its own. Health requires the adoption of a proactive healthcare model; doing what it takes to get healthy and stay healthy, not just treating symptoms. This includes a nervous system free of interference, good nutrition, regular exercise, and plenty of rest. It’s a success system that heals the only effective way …from the inside out.

In our office, we take extremely precise x-rays of the head and neck to determine the severity of the type of spinal misalignment that may be occurring. We do not rely on guesswork or just the touch of our hands.

We analyze the x-rays systematically to determine a specific upper cervical correction formula that will work to bring your spine back into alignment.

After the initial evaluation, we’re able to estimate the number of corrections needed and the length of time necessary for the spine to be stabilized.

It’s not about being adjusted thousands of times. It’s about getting the spine back into a normal and balanced position and keeping it that way for as long as possible.

Patients have asked us how the adjustment at the top of the neck eased the shoulder pain that they came in with.

When individuals have shoulder pain, they often go to the medical doctor. Most frequently, the visit results in some sort of over-the-counter or prescription pain or anti-inflammatory medication.

The medication may temporarily help with the pain, but the pain will continue to come back until the underlying cause of the pain is addressed.

Underlying causes of shoulder pain can be attributed to posture and poor body mechanics as a result of misalignments in the spinal column.

When the position of the head is altered from any type of accident or injury, the shoulders will become unleveled.

Sometimes you can see this postural change in the mirror where one shoulder is lower than the other. This postural imbalance can lead to overuse or straining of the shoulder with everyday activities or when we play sports.

At Horizon Chiropractic Center, we seek the underlying cause of your shoulder problems.

As an upper cervical chiropractor, we look for postural imbalances that may be causing dysfunction in your shoulder.

Misalignments in the spine can also lead to nerve irritation leading to numbness, tingling and pain in the shoulder and arm. Nerves travel from the neck and innervate the shoulders, arms, and hands, and when they are irritated, pain is present.

As an upper cervical chiropractic office in Phoenix, AZ, we can correct these underlying postural imbalances without any of the popping, cracking, or twisting of the spine common with general chiropractic manipulation.

Because the upper cervical approach is non-traumatic to your spine, it leads to maximum recovery for misaligned joints and structures.

Many of our patients with shoulder pain have felt instantly better after visiting us.

We use our shoulders every day, and pain can limit our activities. Shoulder injuries may happen at the most inconvenient time, and we need to respect our bodies’ pain signals.

Pain is usually the last symptom of an underlying issue that has been there for years.

When someone is suffering from recurring or repeated episodes of shoulder pain, the brain stem is often involved. When a precise upper cervical adjustment procedure corrects upper neck misalignments, the healing process can begin.

If you suffer from shoulder pain, come in and meet with the doctor, and he can see if upper cervical chiropractic can help you!